Sunday 26 August 2012

Types of Testing

Functional Testing:-

An alternative way of black box testing is to check the functionality of the modules, which is called the functional testing.This testing, verifies that the application working as per the specification or the client view. Function testing includes the testing of the entire interface.

Functional testing is classified in two categories
1. Positive testing
Positive Testing is carried with an idea of checking whether the Application works as per requirements or not. In other words, making sure of whether the system does what it should really is intended to do.Its verify the system by using the valid input data to ensure the successful completion.
2. Negative testing
Negative testing is aimed to detect the possible application crashes in different situations. Ensures that your application can systematic handle invalid input or unexpected user actions.

Configuration Testing:-

This testing is done to test for compatibility issues. It determines minimal and optimal configuration of hardware and software, and determines the effect of adding or modifying resources such as memory, disk drives and CPU.

Smoke Testing :-

The smoke test is run to determine that the build is stable and it can be consider for further testing. It also ensures that whether the most essential function of the program is working, but not bothering finer details. It is one kind of health checkups.

Sanity Testing:-

When a new build is received with minor changes, instead of doing the full regression test, one applies the sanity test to ascertain that the build has rectified the issue and no more issues are introduced. It is the subset of regression testing. It is a narrow test and focus on one or few areas of functionality.


It is also called gorilla testing in this type of testing we don’t have the specification as well as don’t have any information about of its functionality.


In performance testing we have to test hardware and software requirement as well as major resources utilization. In this process life cycle we have to test response time of an application with respect to hardware and software.

Black Box Testing:-

Black Box Testing is testing without knowledge of the internal workings of the item being tested. For example, when black box testing is applied to software engineering, the tester would only know the “legal” inputs and what the expected outputs should be, but not how the program actually arrives at those outputs

White Box Testing:-

White box testing strategy deals with the internal logic and structure of the code. White box testing is also called as glass, structural, open box or clears box testing. The tests written based on the white box testing strategy incorporate coverage of the code written, branches, paths, statements and internal logic of the code etc.

Regression Testing:-

Regression testing ensures that little changes don’t break your application. Regression testing is the procedure of testing, changes to application to make sure that the older application still works with the new changes.

Unit Testing:-

The first test in the development process is the unit test. The source code is normally divided into modules. To test the each module individually is called unit testing.

User Acceptance Testing:-

It is performed to verify that the product is acceptable to the customer and it’s fulfilling the particular requirements of that customer. Alpha and Beta testing is the part of user acceptance testing.

Integration Testing:-

It is also called sub-system testing. As the module are constructed and tested then they are laying together to check that they are working properly with each other or not.

System Testing:-

Test the system as a whole. Once the entire system has been built then it has to be tested against the system requirement specification to check it delivered the feature same as specified. It is still focused by a special tester. Mean’s system testing is not all about checking the individual part of design but about to check the system as a whole.

Alpha Testing:-

Alpha testing performed at the developer site it’s a kind of user acceptance testing done by the test engineer in the controlled environment. Alpha testing performed when all the major functions of an application performed well as per the user requirement. This testing is done after the system testing.

Beta Testing:-

It is very impossible to a software developer to find how the customer will use the software. This type of testing is done at the customer site by the customer in the open environment. It is considered to be the last step of software development life cycle.

Ad hoc Testing:-

Tester has to find the bug without proper planning just based on the assumptions. It is the form of black box testing because tester has not idea of the internal code and structure. Adhoc test done by the skillful tester and considered as the best techniques to uncovering the certain types of defects.
It is also called the monkey testing. In this type of testing we don’t have any specification but we aware of its functionality .In this we will give value randomly & perform task without thinking of its ill effect.

Static Testing:-

Verification activities come under the static testing or static analysis. The main focus of static testing is to detect the error without executing the test object.

GUI Testing:-

Verify the application look & feel and check the window objects, it should be proper aligned, color, font  & letter size, spellings should be proper.
Element of the GUI testing
3.Drop down menu
4.Push button
6.Radio button
8.Text filed
9.Scrolling list
10.Popup list
11.Spin boxes

Traceability Matrix:-

This matrix defines the mapping between customer requirements and prepared test cases by test engineers. This matrix is requirements traceability matrix or requirements validation matrix. This is used by testing team to verify how far the test cases prepared have covered the requirements of the functionalities to be tested.
*What is Severity & Priority

Severity: How much impact is on system due to particular bug is defined in severity.
Severity is classified as follow:
1. Critical:-There is a functionality that blocks the application is not able to produce any other step or functionality.
2. Major:-Effect on functionality is not as desired and output of any functionality is according to specification.
3. Minor:-Normal bug there is no failure report due to the defect but need to rectify.
4. Cosmetic:-Application look and feel comes in this category.

Priority: How much importance to be given for particular bug such as In Web Application Link is not working may be high priority.
Priority is classified as follow:
1. High:-Resolve the defect at the earlier stage or we can call it urgent level.
2. Low:-Resolve the defect.
3. Very Low:-Could be resolve later on stage.

Examples– Priority/Severity
High Priority & High Severity: A site keep the student details, on saving record if it, doesn’t allow saving the record then this is high priority and high severity bug.
High Priority & Low Severity: The spell mistakes that happens on the cover page or title of an application.
Low Priority and Low Severity: Any cosmetic or spell issues which is within a paragraph or in the report.
High Severity & Low Priority: If the application crashes after using it 100 times, it has high severity but low priority.
* What is Verfication & Validation?
Testing of items, according to specification. Software testing is just one kind of verification that includes the techniques such as reviews, analysis, inspections and walk-through. Whether we are building right system is called verification.
It is the process to validate the system according to the requirement in which we are checking that what has been specified and what is actually user wanted.


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